About Us
In 2016 we decided to try and make shearlings more affordable.
We felt a lot of sheepskin businesses looked dated.
We are inspired by heritage, workwear and reproductions, but we’re not a heritage, workwear or reproduction brand.
We want to create our own way. We want to experiment, we want to be creative. Sometimes budgets can hold us back. Sometimes it’s more about what we don’t want, rather than what we do want. Sometimes brand values can be stifling.
Sometimes we know exactly where we’re going. Then change it the next day.
We’ve built from scratch, starting with 1 jacket. No investment = no one making decisions based on financial gain
Sometimes we’re rough round the edges.
Lots of mistakes, especially in business.
Lots of lessons, especially in business.
Naivety got us this far.
Anyway. All of the above has been a factor in making #blakehedley what it is today.
We felt a lot of sheepskin businesses looked dated.
We are inspired by heritage, workwear and reproductions, but we’re not a heritage, workwear or reproduction brand.
We want to create our own way. We want to experiment, we want to be creative. Sometimes budgets can hold us back. Sometimes it’s more about what we don’t want, rather than what we do want. Sometimes brand values can be stifling.
Sometimes we know exactly where we’re going. Then change it the next day.
We’ve built from scratch, starting with 1 jacket. No investment = no one making decisions based on financial gain
Sometimes we’re rough round the edges.
Lots of mistakes, especially in business.
Lots of lessons, especially in business.
Naivety got us this far.
Anyway. All of the above has been a factor in making #blakehedley what it is today.

We use independent factories, mills and artisans ensuring that all manufacturers are masters at what they do. All are within the EU, including here in the UK, Romania and Italy.